If it hurts loin you are pregnant, the reason is not always associated with pathology. Pregnancy is a natural state for the female body. And are hurting their backs during this period, because the body "rebuilt", preparing to adapt to the changes.
The causes of the pain
Begin to arise back pain during pregnancy in different periods of gestation. It is believed that in the first half of pregnancy, the body is not subjected to increased loads. This is not true. About 30% of the women who come in with complaints, that whine back, still in the first quarter. However, the greater part of women of low back pain during pregnancy bother you more close to the twentieth week. Many times it is not easy to answer, why back pain during pregnancy. Low back pain in pregnancy, it is sometimes the result of direct obstetric causes, and can be independent of pathology. Obstetrics causes of back pain, resulting from normal or pathological current of pregnancy.

You can twist the back to normal during pregnancy? Yes, and this is the most common cause, because it pulls your back in pregnancy. In many cases, the onset of pregnancy causes the future mom it hurts my lower back. The cause of the pain becomes a rapid increase of the uterus, and the tension of its ligaments. These feelings are so common that they are considered as one more sign of a pregnant woman.
- Hormones and the metabolism
In the waiting period for the child the woman have to face a drastic change in hormone levels. Occurs increased production of estrogen, progesterone, and other hormones, responsible for the correct during pregnancy. A common cause that really hurts the loin, is relaxin. This hormone helps the ligaments and tendons become more elastic, softens them. Relaxin is necessary so that, subsequently, facilitate the development of a child.
Required for the formation of the fetus, elements are taken from the mother's body. Therefore, when there is a spare "stock", bones, women may receive much-needed vitamins and minerals, particularly calcium and phosphorus. As a result, occurs by weakening of the pelvic bones and vertebral column, which can cause back pain in pregnant women.
- The increased pressure in the pelvis and the vertebral column
More "safe" the reason for that, in pregnancy back pain, is the fetal growth. The child grows, it increases pressure on the sacrum to the mother, which results in the armbar sensations in the lumbar region. It is also very physiological reason why that can twist, rotate, is the increased weight, which leads to increased pressure on the lower back. The center of gravity changes, occurs flexion of the vertebral column in the lumbar region. The muscles receive the excess load, leading to the appearance of pain.
The onset of low back pain in pregnancy sometimes, it takes a long distance. The uterus presses on the nerves and the vessels that surround the spine. Because of this it hurts below the waist, from the third quarter. The pain of giving to the leg, are strengthened under load.
In pregnancy back pain can also occur as a consequence of the pressure of the fetal head on the hip bones. This is followed by an appearance of increased tone of the uterus. Then the pain appear around the 38 week. If it hurts loin during pregnancy, for this reason, it is not worth to worry about. Such sensations completely a natural phenomenon.
- The fight
A few weeks before the birth, the expectant mother may feel contractions Braxton-Hicks. The fake contractions prepare the body after childbirth. In this case, in addition to headaches, screaming in the lumbar spine, a feeling of "solid" of the uterus, difficult to breathe, you have to pull a tummy ache. So, these symptoms disappear. And after a short time, the belly and the back start to whine again. Such sensations are considered normal, but still in need of attention. Sometimes it is not easy to distinguish actually occurred childbirth. If you struggle with frequent, repeated at regular intervals, accompanied by the secretions of the genital tract, should not delay the trip, I went to the hospital.
When pathologies

If during pregnancy pain in the back accompanied by the emergence of secretions and cramps, pain, and the sensations of the uterus, which is the state of doctors is seen as a threat of spontaneous abortion or premature birth.
That it is necessary to appear to a gynecologist. In some cases, pulls the lower back during pregnancy due to the aggravation of available diseases or the emergence of a new pathology. Pregnancy is accompanied by a natural reduction in immunity. This mechanism is necessary so that not occurred the rejection of the fetus and the maternal by the body as a foreign producer. The consequence is the vulnerability of the woman at the time. It turns out that the woman is still not suspected pathologies existing, up to become pregnant. During pregnancy pain in the lower back can indicate a serious enough pathology. And if the doctor ruled out obstetric causes of a disease, you should visit other doctors: the neurologist, the urologist or nephrologist and surgeon.
- Kidney disease
The kidney and its diseases are the cause for that, in pregnancy pain of the loin. Under the influence of hormones, it changes the tone of ureters, occurs stagnation of urine, leading to the development of infectious processes. A common complication of the occurrence of pregnancy is pyelonephritis. Appear aching pain with one of the sides of the back, a frequent need to urinate, rubber bumpers, the temperature increases up to high values. The urine generally becomes turbid.
If back pain during pregnancy express bright, it is difficult to find a situation in which the pain has diminished, it hinders the flow of urine, receives the impurity of the blood, perhaps, is the renal colic. Such symptoms serve as indication for urgent hospitalization.
The diagnosis puts the physician, based on the data of ultra-sound and laboratory tests of urine and blood. The treatment is carried out with the appointment of antibiotics, antispasmodic, and analgesic, and is a must. The disease can cause severe consequences, up to renal failure.
- Pancreatitis
In rare cases, the pregnant woman may find with the inflammation of the pancreas. This happens in case of non-compliance, during pregnancy, the diet, the consumption of foods with too much fat, alcohol, is the hereditary factor or a consequence of stress. If back pain during pregnancy leads to tinea nature, occurs after or during the meal, accompanied by temperature, nausea or vomiting, decrease of the chair, the doctor puts a diagnosis of pancreatitis".
Diagnosed with the disease with the use of ultra-sound, magnetic resonance imaging, is treated in steady-state conditions. The medical therapy of low back pain during pregnancy is carried out through a series of anti-inflammatory drugs and painkillers. Occasionally, in case of unsuccessfulness the conservative treatment, the need arises for an intervention.
- Neurology
Many times the back pain during pregnancy, on the grounds of worsening the existing problems with the system muscle-skeletal system. If the woman and the pregnancy plagued osteocondrose or sciatica, on the change of load will lead to aggravation. A source of problems becomes insufficient developed muscular system of the back or curvature of the spine. For this diagnosis indicates the occurrence of a strong back pain during the pregnancy, during the second quarter or later.
When neurological problems pain take the handles to the nature, decreasing in position "lying", and increase with loads, you may experience a feeling of numbness.
It is very dangerous to self-medicate. After all, most of the drugs used in cases such as this, are against-indicated during pregnancy. In exceptional cases, the doctor may prescribe pain killers. If it hurts loin in pregnancy because associated with neurological problems, the simplest solution wearing a knee brace. Special corset will provide support for the muscle-skeletal system, not exerting a negative effect on the development of the child.
- Myositis
Find in currents of air or hypothermia can lead to an inflammatory process in the muscle in the bottom of the department of back. Then the acute pain characterized the nature and limitations of movements. In addition to the back, can twist the neck strap and belt. The treatment must be the doctor who will be able to give medicines that are safe for the baby.
- Semisupine
When low the location of pain in the region of the back and belly, may be suspected symphysis. The disease indicate altered gait, which assumes the character of "duck". Occurs due to the difference of the bones pubic, transmitted by inheritance. If the reason why back pain during pregnancy, in the Semisupine, the doctor recommend bed rest and will be monitored during the whole period of pregnancy.
- Spondylolisthesis
If the story has injury to the spine or innate characteristics of the development of the arches of the vertebrae, increased load, can cause back pain during pregnancy. The vertebrae can move in relation to each other, and that will serve as an impetus to a strong pain in the lumbar region.
This type of pain can be distinguished by a buildup in the sitting position, when it occurs during the lifting of heavy objects, by changing the position of the body. The pain can radiate into the foot. The deformation of the spinal column, it is possible to perceive visually. The muscles that surround the spine from the sides, are in a state. It develops a particular type of gait, "tightrope". If by reason of spondylolisthesis pain loin during pregnancy is treated for a disease with the help of drugs, physical therapy, healing, fitness.

If it hurts loin in pregnancy, it is important to remember one thing: in no case can engage with the self-diagnosis and self-medicate. The first thing you should do pregnant, who shoots him in the lower back during pregnancy – contact your professional. The doctor will also help prevent back pain during pregnancy, recommend:
- Stop using shoe with high heels;
- Follow mild weight gain;
- Lead to measure an active life-style;
- Not too many, to avoid the excess load on the spine;
- Practice special fitness;
- Control the posture;
- For a good night's sleep choose a mattress anatomical and a small pillow;
- Learn the correct hoisting items (you must bend the knees, and do not produce forward tilt);
- To ensure the feeding with high content of calcium and phosphorus.
If you are pregnant strongly to back pain, this is not a reason to panic. However, it is necessary to eliminate the possible pathological processes, as well as recommendations on the methods of solution of the unpleasant sensations. If back pain during pregnancy, what to do advise only the doctor.